Chelsea Clinton Military Tribunal: Day 2 

Adina Kutnicki

By Adina Kutnicki

AGAIN, many folks are incredulous that military trials by JAG are taking place, let alone exacting righteous justice against deep-state traitors and their accomplices. This is so because the Mockingbird Media is stone, cold silent — and therein lies the collusion.

REGARDLESS, it is what it is. As such, the following is a recap, and the below is an update.

THE update,

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REAL RAW NEWS | By Michael Baxter | October 29, 2021

Day 1 of Chelsea Clinton’s military tribunal had ended abruptly when her lawyer, Clinton Foundation attorney Robert S. Harrison, excused himself from the proceedings to take, what he said, was an urgent telephone call that could reshape the outcome of the trial, purportedly to Chelsea’s benefit. When the tribunal resumed Wednesday morning, however, Harrison entered the…

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